Pledge Or Contract?
While advocating for sustainable practices, the challenge lies in the fact that fossil fuel brands are significant contributors to advertising revenue.
The industry's reliance on these financial retainers to sustain their businesses raises concerns about their willingness to forgo new business opportunities from fossil fuel companies in favour of ethical commitments.
Addressing the industry's morality and financial decision-making process is key in the context of pursuing sustainable clients.
By avoiding negative cliche sustainability examples of fossil fuel damage we need to speak to individuals’ morality. We want the negative implications of their work to be seen for themselves and to show them that working with new fossil fuel clients isn't the only answer in industry.
Standing by a cause you believe in against social judgment shouldn't be isolating, it should be rewarded.
A pledge isn't just a click, the Clean Creatives pledge is worthy of being framed next to awards.
Clean Creatives can launch a social media campaign video highlighting the ethical dilemma of choosing money over morality and how it will give the industry another voice and solution to say no to new clients. This would be launched in conjunction with The Loeries or when the F-list is published for the South African market. Clean Creatives can engage with the existing agencies on the list online with a commenting and community management strategy to speak to the individuals behind the work with this video when the F-List is published online and at The Loeries event.
Karla Koekemoer Open Window Institute
Justin Beswick The IIE Vega School
Clean Creatives

Clean Creatives
